Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Record Number of CEO get Fired In 2008

According to challanger gray & christmas. 

Is Your Company's Missing Q1 Targets?

It seems clear that many companies will miss Q1 numbers & be forced into more layoffs. IBM announced they are cutting 5,000 people today. My prediction is their are a lot more coming. Most companies get this wrong.  Here is a post i wrote for dan farber @ cnet last october that seems even more relevant now:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Does IBM Have Sun Stroke?

The rumored IBM purchase of Sun for $7 billion dollars will likely turn out to be a blunder.  while, Sun does have some compelling technology and a large customer base,    they are a dying franchise. why not just offer Sun customers a compelling trade-in offer and hire away some of their smartest people?

Right now enterprise customers want more cloud technologies they can purchase as a service. Capex bad, opex good. Why wouldn’t IBM invest the $7 billion in creating the services and products of the future rather than lapping up the past?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Forbes Launches CMO Network

CMO's need all the help they can get. not only is the economy in the tank, the CMO job has one of the highest turn-over rates in the C-suite.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Worst Recession Since WWII

the worst

The Vid that everyone is watching

Louis CK - Everything amazing, nobody's happy

Get Ready For More Layoffs in Q2

As the DOW continues to move down (i am no stock market expert, but it looks like the DOW @ 6000 or lower is a very real possibility), get ready for your company to have a bad 1st quarter, miss Q1 targets and do another round of layoffs in Q2.

If your company did a layoff of 10% or less in q4 or q1, chances are you didn't cut cut deep enough. plan to cut another 10-20% in q2. this time, go deep. if you don't you may be forced to do another lay-off in q3 or q4. the more times you do it, the worst off you are. rip the band-aid off fast. once.